Amazing Muslim Scarves for All Occasions

by | Apr 28, 2014 | Clothing

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When you purchase a Muslim scarf, you want to make sure that you purchase one that suits you and your needs for various occasions. Not all scarves are the same. There are plenty of clothing options available for Muslim women.

When you purchase your Muslim scarves, you want to ensure that they complement your clothing style and color. Muslim women fashionable scarves come in many colors and styles. The main styles of Muslim scarves and head coverings are detailed below.

  1. Chiffron Jilbabs. Chiffron is a beautiful material that feels comfortable against the skin. The fabric is thin, so it is perfect for use in the summertime. Scarves that are made from Chiffron are extremely fashionable.
  2. Al Amira. Al Amira Hijabs are great for those who wish to follow strict religious guidelines. It comes in two pieces. One piece is designed to cover the hair and head, while the other piece covers the neck and face. Hijabs come in many different styles, and many of them are embellished with beads or other intricate design work.
  3. Sarongs. A sarong is a piece of fabric that can be wrapped and shaped to create whatever clothing item that a person needs. Muslim women love sarongs, because it allows them to be creative in changing their everyday clothing, so that they can be trendy and fashionable. You can wrap them around your face and head, as well as your body. They are a great choice for those who want a quality clothing item that will suit any weather condition. They are very popular, because they are so versatile.
  4. Khimar. A Khimar is another form of material that can also be used as a scarf. Just like the Sarong, it can be used as a Jilbab, a Hijab, or even as a Burkah if you shape and pin it right. They are great for cold weather, as they are thicker than the Sarong. Everyone loves the great versatility that Khimars offer.

You will find everything you need and more when you purchase your items from a quality specialty boutique that specializes in Islamic clothing. These shops will usually have larger selections than regular stores that deal in all types of clothing merchandise.