Diamond Stud Earrings Make the Perfect Gift For Your Lady

by | Oct 3, 2016 | Jewelry

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If you’re having trouble choosing the perfect gift for your lady this year, your thoughts may be turning to jewelry. Jewelry often makes the perfect gift, but it is important to plan your jewelry gifts.

Every woman should have a basic jewelry wardrobe that includes some important pieces, such as a diamond pendant, a string of pearls, and a piece of birthstone jewelry. One of the most important pieces in a woman’s jewelry wardrobe is a pair of diamond stud earrings.

Diamond stud earrings are timeless, and have been treasured by women for many generations. In fact, these are often handed down for generations, and worn for years by each family owner. There are several reasons why diamond stud earrings are such an important part of a woman’s jewelry ensemble.

  • Diamond studs go with everything. These are earrings that can be worn with a pair of jeans on Saturday morning, and with a cocktail dress on Saturday night.
  • Diamond studs are appropriate for a woman of any age. These earrings are often given to young women as they graduate from high school or college, or as a wedding gift. You’ll find the women who received these earrings at a very young age still wearing them long after they become grandmothers. It’s simply a piece that looks great on everyone, in part because it is such a simple piece of jewelry.
  • Diamond studs are elegant, yet understated. This is a piece of jewelry that is classy, without screaming that you have money. Women of every income bracket find their diamond studs to be one of their favorite pieces of jewelry.

If the woman in your life does not have a pair of diamond studs, these would make a perfect gift this year. You’ll find these available from nearly every jeweler. These are available in every price range, too, so be sure to set a budget before you go shopping.

If your woman already has a pair of diamond studs, consider opting for earring jackets this year. These fit around the diamond stud, creating a different look for the earrings. You’ll often find jackets available in gemstones diamonds to make the studs even more formal for special occasions.

Talk to your jeweler about the perfect diamond studs for your lady. This is a gift that never fails to please, and one that will be treasured for a lifetime.