The Tradition Of Unity At A Wedding

by | Dec 24, 2013 | Shopping

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Your marriage marks the beginning of a life’s journey together. Because of this, many couples will have some sort of unity ceremony at their wedding. Although unity ceremonies may date back thousands of years; the idea of a unity sand ceremony remains fresh. The sand ceremony is not only a popular and hip wedding trend but also combines the old with the new.

What is the Unity Sand Ceremony?

At a basic level, sand ceremony is simply a beautiful representation of the two individuals becoming one. In a Unity Sand Ceremony, there are two glass containers that are each filled with a different color of sand and placed on either side of a larger glass container. After rings and vows have been exchanged, the bride and groom will take alternating turns, pouring layers of sand into the center container until it is filled. The colors of the sand will blend and create a pattern that is totally unique showing how the joining of the two have created a new, equally beautiful entity. After the ceremony is complete, the couple can take the container home which then becomes a colorful keepsake.

What About Including the Family?

Unity sand ceremony can be an important bonding experience for each member of the family and is a wonderful way to include your children or other family members in your wedding ceremony. In the family unity sand ceremony, each family member pours a different color sand into the center container, signifying each individual joining and being blended into the new family.

Where to Buy Supplies?

Though you can buy colored sand and vases at almost any craft store, it is highly recommended that you opt for an all-in-one solution;  a sand ceremony set. A basic sand ceremony set includes three glass vessels and two colors of sand and can be engraved with the names of the bride and groom to create a more personal memento of the special day. The set can also be customized with extra vases for family members or friends. Most stores that sell wedding gifts and favors will sell these sets, including those online.