Fashion Jewellery – How to take care of it?

by | Nov 1, 2011 | Jewelry, Shopping

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Do you want to maintain or enhance the appearance of your Fashion Jewellery? There are certain steps that can be implemented for this particular purpose. Given are some ways in which you can take care of your Fashion Jewellery.

Divide the Fashion Jewellery

Divide the Fashion Jewellery which requires cleaning. For example: you can divide it into different sections such as gold plated or silver. Similarly, you can separate imitation pearls from the other jewellery items.

Collect Information on Cleaning

You should then collect as much information you can on the cleaning of Fashion Jewellery. Many jewellery manufacturers or suppliers provide cleaning instructions along with the jewellery item. If you do not have any cleaning instructions, you should look for online resources on jewellery cleaning.

Gather the Products

You will then have to collect the cleaning products for your different Fashion Jewellery items. All the required cleaning products need to be collected before moving on to the next step.

Clean the Jewellery

You should clean the jewellery pieces thoroughly by type. Keep cleaning until you see some improvement. Store all the jewellery items according to the storage instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Inspect for signs of Hallmark

Check the jewellery items once after cleaning them thoroughly. You should clean the jewellery items once again if you see signs of Hallmark. However, you will have to follow a separate cleaning procedure for jewellery items with the Hallmark logo. Check the resource materials for that particular jewellery item before cleaning them again. Take the jewellery item to a professional jeweller in case it doesn’t get cleaned properly. The same procedure will have to be followed for platinum or gold jewellery with a Hallmark sign.

Regular Cleaning

If you don’t use the jewellery items regularly, you should store them in a dust-free storage box. You should also wipe them with a clean cloth at least once in two weeks.

Fashion Jewellery

Fashion Jewellery